Called Her To Come Enjoy It With Him

Huo Yunshen had a decent alcohol tolerance, but in order to maintain his body, he rarely drank. Occasionally, he would still drink a little during social engagements he could not reject.

Today, he was going all out for his wife.

One by one, the wine glasses disappeared from the table. When Huo Yunshen was drinking the last glass, Mo Yutian had already finished all of his wine.

The staff came over and handed Mo Yutian a dart. He stood at the shooting position, listened to his gut feeling, aimed, and threw, the dart flying out from his hand.

Thud! The dart hit the bullseye.

"Wow! President Mo is really good!"

"I wonder how Mr. Huo would fare. He would be a laughingstock if he couldn't hit anything!"

Everyone was in a curious mood as they waited to watch Huo Yushen's turn. Mo Yutian stepped away from the shooting position. "Your turn, Mr. Huo."