A Feeling He Could Not Explain

He could not describe how envious and jealous he was. How great would it be if he could have Miss Yim?

At this time, his assistant Reid whispered in his ear, "Sir, why don't we strike tonight?"

What Reid meant was, since there were members of the Dark Zone on the cruise ship, they should take advantage of tonight's reception and seize the opportunity to take Huo Yunshen down in one fell swoop. Wouldn't he finally have his revenge then?

Reid's suggestion was good, but Mo Yutian hadn't tasted enough of the competition with his opponent.

His desire to dominate was very great. If he wanted to dominate someone, his opponent must completely submit to him before he would become satisfied.

What's more, while he was seeking revenge from him, he had developed a kind of feeling for his enemy that he could not explain.

He would be satisfied after killing him, but he was also feeling a bit reluctant.