An Over-Protective Wife

The paparazzi was waiting there just so they could ask Jing Xi about the cheating scandal from a few days before.

Even though she would be clarifying the scandal during the press conference, they still wanted to get first-hand knowledge from her.

"Jing Xi, can you explain the scandal?"

"Do you think it's okay to cheat on the movie king?"

"Could it be because things aren't going well between the two of you?"

The questions became harsher as a reporter from the Southern Press asked, "Could it be because the movie king still could not do that in spite of him recovering? And you cheated because he can't satisfy you…"

Xu Xiyan finally lost it when she heard someone talking bad about Huo Yunshen.

She threw a punch straight at the reporter.

The reporter fell to the ground, and when others helped him to his feet, his nose was bleeding, and his glasses were shattered.