Purely Trying To Pick On Her

Xu Xiyan let Linda pause her make-up and turned her head around, the silver ornaments on her head swinging. She looked up and down at Lan Ling-Er, and then asked Xiao Ge, "Why? Doesn't she have her own private dressing room?"

What she meant was: Lan Ling-Er could take the private dressing room for herself. Why take the second female lead actor's dressing table?

Lan Ling-Er's assistant Sha Labi explained, "Miss Lan Ling-Er hasn't acclimated herself yet. This spot has better air circulation."

Huh, what kind of an excuse is that?

Wasn't it obvious that she was purely trying to pick on her?

Xu Xiyan really wanted to know: Since when had she offended this lady?