Really Rude

She stood up and slapped her hands down on the table and said coldly, "Don't make me laugh! Everything should be first come first serve. We came to the coffee shop first and chose this spot. If you had made a reservation in advance, we would give you this table, but the problem is that you didn't. So why do you think we should give up this table for you? Just because you are a national goddess of Estan, the people of Zstan have to bow down to you? What kind of logic is that?"

After Xu Xiyan finished her words, Lan Ling-Er's almond eyes narrowed slightly and her eyes grew cold. She said, clicking her tongue, "I've heard that Miss Jing Xi is a good talker. After listening to you talk personally today, you do really have a sharp tongue and you're disgusting to the extreme. I'm curious… how did you manage to hook up with Huo Yunshen? Oh, the question should be like this: how could Huo Yunshen fancy such a woman like you?"