The Singles are Dying

The dinner was a way of Huo Yunshen to thank Huang Guoqiang for taking Mu Chenguang in.

"This guy is a bit playful, just work him as much as you can," Huo Yunshen said.

"I'd also like to thank Director Huang for helping me. I'll do my best to learn as much as possible." Mu Chenguang stood up and bowed.

"Sure you will," Huo Yunshen scolded as he shot a chopstick at Mu Chenguang's head.

"Please take good care of me," Mu Chenguang said while laughing awkwardly.

"With Mu Chenguang joining our cast, it'll definitely hype the movie up. I should be the one thanking you," Huang Guoqiang laughed.

Since Mu Chenguang had only done music or appeared in music videos for all of his career, it would be the first movie he would be acting in.

The main reason for Huo Yunshen arranging for Mu Chenguang to join the cast was because he needed Mu Chenguang to protect Xu Xiyan while she was filming.