Secretly Kissing Him

The bodyguards chased her madly. Xu Xiyan kept going, dashing towards Ye Xun's car.

Ye Xun saw a woman running towards his car in the distance and there were also many people behind her chasing after her. She must be Xu Xiyan.

He immediately turned on the engine, starting the car.

When Xu Xiyan reached his car, she leaped directly to the roof of the car. "Second Senior! Drive now!"

Ye Xun slammed on the gas pedal. Vrooom! The car sped off, shaking off the pursuing bodyguards.

When they reached a safe place, Ye Xun stopped the car and let Xu Xiyan climb down from the roof and get into the car.

Wandou had just witnessed a live stunt and she was really impressed. She really wanted to know: Is there anything her lady boss couldn't do?

Xu Xiyan turned around and said to Xue Yating, "Everything's alright now, Tingting. They should not be chasing after us anymore. You're safe."

"Thank you, Sister Jing Xi."