A Surprise from Mr. Huo

Wan Dou turned and left without saying a word

Xu Xiyan noticed that Mu Chenguang was still following Wan Dou with his eyes and joked, "Bro, if you don't change that attitude of yours, you're never going to get her."

"Get what?" Mu Chenguang scolded and quickly turned his head back. "Do you think a super awesome and perfectly wonderful dude like me has to hit on girls? They'll come to me themselves."

"Fine, have it your way," Xu Xiyan laughed.

Xiao Ge suddenly came running to them and handed Xu Xiyan a bag.

"Jing Xi, there's something for you," Xiao Ge said as he handed the bag to Xu Xiyan. He had been acting as a courier for Huo Yunshen, and he did it gladly because he was always handsomely paid.

"What's that?"

"It's from Mr. Huo."

Xu Xiyan noticed that the bag was a thermal bag and in it were boxes with purple and white roses in them.

Mu Chenguang extended his head to take a peek and roasted, "Boring!"