Spreading Their Affections Everywhere

Since Xu Xiyan was good at talking, hosting the show did not pose a challenge to her. She went through the schedule and remembered all of it.

Xu Xiyan gave an opening speech with the main host of the event, going through the developments of the LK Charity Award Ceremony before the first award began.

Mo Yutian and Huo Yunshen were both included in the Top Ten Philanthropists of the Year.

Xu Xiyan noticed that, coincidentally, Mo Yutian and Huo Yunshen would have to stand next to each other on the stage.

She couldn't help but feel like something would happen.

Huo Yunshen was also present at the ceremony. He sat among the crowd, and his eyes never left his wife.

When he heard his and Mo Yutian's names, he turned to stare at Mo Yutian who was sitting in the same row as him.

Mo Yutian also stared back. It was as if they were exchanging gunshots with their stares.

Mo Yutian tidied his suit a little and walked onto the stage.