To Ruin Her Life with Scandals

Xu Xiyan noticed that Lan Ling'er's sprained ankle was just an act.

She did not slow down and walked past them without even looking at them.

Huo Yunshen was already waiting for her in the car, and she got into it.

"Congrats…" they both said together as soon as she got in.

"What are you congratulating me for?" Xu Xiyan asked as she picked the crystal trophy up. "You're the one who got the awards."

"Why do I have a feeling that you're insulting me instead?" Huo Yunshen joked, since most philanthropists did charity work for more fame and fortune.

Yet Huo Yunshen was not that type of person.

"Nope, it's definitely a compliment. You really are the best."

"You too, for being chosen as the charity ambassador," Huo Yunshen said as he grabbed her little hand.

"That's right, I want to talk to you about this," Xu Xiyan said. "Don't tell me you're responsible for it."

"No, you got chosen because of who you are."