Give Birth to a Child For Him

After finishing his words, the man directly clasped a hand behind her head and sealed her breath with a kiss, beginning to "punish" her forcefully.

Midway, when the man paused to put on protection, Xu Xiyan stopped him. "Don't wear it."

"Why? What if you get pregnant?"

Huo Yunshen was puzzled. According to his little wife's request, his daily compulsory lesson was to research how to avoid pregnancy so that she would not become pregnant too early. But now, she had actually told him not to wear it. Did he hear her wrong?

"If I'm pregnant then I'll just give birth to it!"


Huo Yunshen was overjoyed. He felt as though he'd been injected with adrenaline after hearing his little wife saying that she was willing to give birth to a child for him, suddenly making him overflow with energy.

That's great. She must've thought it through and was now willing to give him a child.