Then Spend Your Life with Me

"Dear…" Tears of joy welled in Xu Xiyan's eyes and fell in large beads from the corners of her eyes. "I didn't expect you to come and save me! I thought I was dead for sure!"

"No, that never would have happened. Even if you've gone to the netherworld or the afterlife, I would always come to save you!"

As long as he was there, he would not easily allow her to leave him.

The couple spoke a lot of intimate words, gazing at each other for a moment. Xu Xiyan noticed blood under the nails of all his fingers and grabbed his hand anxiously. She asked as she inspected it, "What happened to your hands?"

"Nothing," he said as he grabbed her hand in return to stop her from looking at it.

Xu Xiyan had already guessed it. "You were digging in the mudslide with your bare hands and injured them in order to rescue me, didn't you?"

Huo Yunshen did not speak, his silence admitting it.