A Challenging Condition

Even though the studio planned for Those Beautiful Bygone Days to be an online film, Huo Yijing had turned it into a film that could be shown in theaters.

A lot of netizens left comments saying that they were eager to see the film after watching the preview.

Before Xu Xiyan went back to the set, she went to Jinxi Studio to hand the new script to Lu Zeyan.

"This would definitely be a huge hit if we can make it! I'm sure of it," Lu Zeyan said excitedly after reading the script.

"Then you can proceed with it!" Xu Xiyan agreed. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Do you have any actors in mind to play the protagonist?" Lu Zeyan asked.

A very handsome face appeared in Xu Xiyan's face, but she quickly dismissed it.

"I'll leave that to you too," she said.

"All right. I'll contact you when I've decided who will take the role."