Very Opposed To Him

"It's like this. Prince Charming Mu here is lacking a…"

Before she could finish, Wandou said rejectingly, "I don't agree!"

Xu Xiyan was stunned. She hadn't finished talking yet, and yet Wanduo already knew what she wanted to say and disagreed?

Mu Chenguang's face immediately darkened. That girl was indeed very opposed to him!

No, no, no. After two days of getting along at the resort, he felt more and more interested in the girl. He had to get her over to his side, no matter what.

"You knew what I was going to say? And you disagree?" Xu Xiyan asked, laughing.

Wandou pouted her little lips and said, "As long it has something to do with Mr. Mu, I don't agree."

Xu Xiyan looked over at Mu Chenguang with an I-am-helpless-and-you-two-should-just-discuss-this-among-yourselves-first face.

"Wan Xiaodou!" Mu Chenguang called her name unhappily and stood up. He grabbed her wrist and took her out of the dressing room. "Let's talk."