You’re Really Savage, Sis!

The bodyguard with the gun came over with a comrade to arrest Xu Xiyan.

When he was almost in front of her, Xu Xiyan suddenly grabbed the barrel of his gun with one hand and leaped, somersaulting over him, then executed a beautiful shoulder throw, the muzzle of the gun now pointing right between the bodyguard's eyes.

Her movements were too fast!

Everyone could not catch what had happened and Xu Xiyan had already taken control of the situation.

Xu Xiyan grabbed the bodyguard in a headlock with her arm and twisted his neck. The bodyguard immediately passed out.

The gun was now pointing at Lan Ling-Er. Xu Xiyan stood up, pointing the gun at Lan Ling-Er's eye.

Lan Ling-Er had celebrated too early. She did not expect to be counter-attacked by Jing Xi successfully. Right now, she looked at the gun that was pointed to herself and said in horror, "Don't… don't mess with me!"