
"Mummy Jing, leave Ying Bao to me," Tang Feimo said with a serious tone. "You can focus on defeating the monster!"


Xu Xiyan had no idea how to proceed anymore.

Looked like she really had to go and defeat some "monster."

After leaving the kids to Liang Lan, Xu Xiyan went back home and caught up with Huo Yunshen who had just come back.

"Hubby!" Xu Xiyan called while jogging to him and hugging him from behind. "Did you just arrive?"

"Yup. Did you get the kid?" Huo Yunshen asked as he turned around and put his hand on her waist.

"Yup, she's playing with Feimo right now."

Huo Yunshen could not help but feel a little helpless when he heard that Ying Bao went to Feimo's place again. He had a feeling that his cute little girl would become someone's else sooner or later.

"Why is she going there all the time? What if it becomes a routine…" Huo Yunshen pouted.