Denial Was Not an Option

Ni Xuelin stared at the locket and noticed a name was carved onto the back. Ye Yao.

Yet, the name was strange to her, and she had no memory of it.

Xu Xiyan patted Ni Xuelin on her shoulder and said, "Maybe you can find your real family with this."

Ni Xuelin was taken aback. She knew she was an orphan from the start and had never thought of looking for her real parents. One thing was that she had no memories of her past.

And the other was that she thought her parents had abandoned her and there was no reason to go back to them.

"You're an adult now, Linlin," Ni Jianghe said. "You should go and look for them if you want to."

"But they've abandoned me! Why should I go look for them?" Ni Xuelin sobbed as she shook her head.

"No! They never abandoned you!" Ye Xun suddenly said, and everyone turned to look at him, surprised that tears were already rolling down his cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Xu Xiyan asked.