Holding Hands Under the Table

"Here, meats will make you grow tall faster," Huo Xun said as he placed a piece of drumstick in Ying Bao's bowl.

"No, you should have more greens!" Jing Huaduo argued as he placed varieties of greens in the little girl's bowl.

"What's wrong with me? Are you going to deny everything I do?" Huo Xun asked.

"What? I did it for the kid, not you!" Jing Huaduo scolded back.

Xu Xiyan and Huo Yunshen looked at each other helplessly as their grandfathers were about to fight again.

"Great-grandpa! Great-grandfather! Are you both still three years old? Why are you two always arguing?" Ying Bao asked.

Ying Bao words made them blush, as even a little kid treated them like one.

"Ying Bao, out of the two of us, who do you like the most?" Huo Xun asked.

Jing Huaduo wanted to know the answer too.

Ying Bao rolled her eyes and placed the drumstick in Jing Huaduo's bowl and the greens in Huo Xun's bowl.