He Also Wanted One

Lu Zeyan did not pressure Xu Xiyan to take on the role and waited patiently until she finished her current job.

They'd already begun filming the latter part of the Beauty of the World while only a fourth of Scenery was filmed. Huang Guoqiang had also informed Xu Xiyan beforehand that they would be heading to Estan next week.

Xu Xiyan thought of meeting her uncle when she was in Estan.

And Li Ruochu too.

To catch up with their schedule, Huang Guoqiang pressured his crew and stars to hasten their process for the whole week.

Xu Xiyan would arrive home late every day and throw herself onto the bed without changing her clothes. It was Huo Yunshen who helped her remove her makeup and change her clothes.

A week later, Xu Xiyan was about to follow the crew to Estan.

The day before she left, she went to visit her mother at the graveyard; coincidentally, that day was her mother's birthday too.