A Smart Move

It was two in the afternoon, and most of the passengers were sound asleep in their seats.

Lan Ling'er had been pretending to fall asleep. She opened her eyes slightly to make sure everyone was asleep and knew that her chance had come.

She made eye contact with Sha Labi signaling for her to take action. Sha Labi moved towards Xu Xiyan quietly and dropped a diamond bracelet into her bag.

A shriek pierced through the quiet cabin, and everyone woke up.

"Where's my bracelet? It's gone!" Lan Ling'er shouted.

Xu Xiyan was also woken up and looked at Lan Ling'er.

"Are you talking about the 5 million diamond bracelet?" Sha Labi asked.


"Isn't it on your wrist all the time?"

"But it's not now!"

One of the stewardesses went over to check the situation, and the cabin crew began to help look for Lan Ling'er's bracelet.

Because the item was costly, the cabin crew requested that everyone help look for it.