Other Ways

Xu Xiyan noticed that there were a lot of people guarding outside, and the chances of her escaping through confrontation were slim. She had to think of other ways.

She raised her head and noticed the air conditioner that was linked to every other air conditioner in the mansion.

The escape was successful after half an hour. She crawled through the vents of the air conditioner and made her way out of the mansion.

She turned her head to look at the mansion that was lit under the moonlight, and ran.

Helian Wei was sipping on his tea as he checked his watch.

"How is our guest?" he asked.

"I'll go check," Le Xiu said and went to check on Xu Xiyan.

But it did not take him long to get back and report, "Sir, the girl is missing!"

"Missing? Is she hiding somewhere?"

"I've already asked our people to check the whole mansion, but she was nowhere to be found! I think she escaped after knocking our maids out."