Extremely Embarrassed

After the man left the room, the two women lay back down in bed again, but they could not sleep after being scared just now.

So the two chatted until dawn before they fell asleep again.

The next morning, Xu Xiyan got up on time. She had a lot of scenes to shoot today and she dared not to be late.

Li Ruochu was still sleeping in. Xu Xiyan didn't want to wake her up; she wanted to let her sleep a little longer.

After tidying herself up, Xu Xiyan picked up her bag and got ready to leave. When she walked out of the room, she was shocked at the scene in the corridor just outside the door.

There were about a dozen servants, all dressed in the same uniforms as they stood on both sides of the corridor. When they saw Xu Xiyan coming out of the room, they all bowed and greeted her loudly in unison, "Good morning, Miss Jing."

They had chorused so loud and clear that Xu Xiyan almost dropped her bag in shock.