What A Real Slut

At this time, Helian Wei could not restrain the shock in his heart. He could not help but stand up from his seat slowly.

Was he hallucinating?

Was that his little moon?

Helian Wei had not seen the girl who had saved his life on the plane clearly. When she was invited last time, the situation that time was not right and he hadn't had the chance to look at her face carefully.

At this moment, he could clearly see that the girl was even more beautiful than he had imagined. Her facial features were so similar to his little moon's.

At that moment, he felt dizzy for a while as though he saw his little moon.

But he clearly understood that it was impossible that she was his little moon. His little moon had passed away many years before. He had even gone to pay his respects at her grave a few days ago.

The girl walked step by step into the banquet hall. Helian Wei asked Jin Xiu, "What is her name?"