I Have Someone In Mind

Before Helian Wei could even finish scolding his son, Helian Qingyu had already run off to sit beside Xu Xiyan and chat like old friends.

"Qinyu, do you know Miss Jing?" Helian Wei asked in surprise.

"Yes," Helian Qingyu replied as he raised an eyebrow. "She's the girl who saved me at the bar a few months back."

"Oh?" Helian Wei was really surprised by the news. He never expected that Xu Xiyan had saved his son's life, too.

By saving his and Helian Qingyu's lives, she should now be the benefactor of the Helian family.

The news only made Helian Wei more eager to match her with his son.

"Then, why don't you invite her to dance?" Helian Wei asked his son.

Yun Xuerou noticed that her husband was trying to bring them together and quickly said, "Son, why don't you go and greet those maidens waiting down there? You should show your manners."

Yun Xueruo meant that there were still many girls down there waiting for him.