Life Is Simply So Awesome

It was Huo Yunshen's turn. While he was aiming, one of his men brought his mobile phone to him. "Young Master, it's your wife."

Without putting down his gun, Huo Yunshen said, "Accept the call."

His assistant pressed the answer button and out came Xu Xiyan's cry for help, "Husband, please come and save us! Someone is following us. We're at Dongrong Street…"

At this time, Xu Xiyan was hiding in a boutique and she could not speak loudly, but Huo Yunshen could still clearly hear it.


Huo Yunshen fired five shots in a row and then dropped his gun. He took the call from his assistant. "Hello? Hello… Jing Xi…"

There was no response from the other end; the call was immediately cut off.

At the same time in the shooting gallery, a voice began to announce:

"3, miss, 2.5, miss, miss."

After the results were announced, the audience went into an uproar. What happened?