He’s Not Angry?

Xu Xiyan was afraid that her husband would misunderstand. She tried to assure him of her sincerity again. "Dear, tell me what should I do? I'll listen to you. If you say no, I will say no too."

Xu Xiyan had planned to return the agreement, but Huo Yunshen stopped her. "Thank you, Mr. Qi. We will accept the president's goodwill. I would like to ask if we could visit the castle now?"


Huo Yunshen suddenly accepted the gift in her stead. It was Xu Xiyan's turn to be surprised. He's not angry?

"Yes, I can take you all there now."

Qi Fang felt as though a burden had been lifted from his chest. He could finally go back and report the accomplishment of his task to the president.

After hearing about going to visit a castle, Ying Bao clapped her little hands excitedly. "Ooooh, great! Baby can go see the big castle!"