This Would Be The Worst Outcome

"Huo Yunshen! Mo Yutian!"

Xu Xiyan rushed over without regard to the danger. She only hoped that the two of them would stop. If they opened fire, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Jing Xi! What are you doing? Go back!"

Huo Yunshen saw that Xu Xiyan had come and became even worried. Whether it was his wife or daughter, they were his greatest weakness.

Once they fall into Mo Yutian's hands, it was going to be very difficult if he wanted to save the situation.

In the distance, the little girl also saw her mother coming. She cried out pitifully, "Mommy…"

Xu Xiyan's heart was breaking hearing her daughter cry.

Her daughter had just escaped from death last time. She could not just stand by and watch her being threatened by danger.

"I can't go!"

How could Xu Xiyan go?

Her daughter had been captured, and her husband was still in danger. How could she just protect herself without thinking of them?