Experience What It Is Like To Become A Slut

"Well, let's give her a dose of her own medicine."

Ruthlessness flashed across Xu Xiyan's eyes. She was not going to be soft-hearted to anyone who tried to harm her.

The two returned to the dinner gathering quietly. Xu Xiyan settled back in her seat normally as though nothing had happened.

Seeing that Jing Xi had returned, Yang Wenxue pretended to show her concern. "Sister Jing Xi, Wandou was looking for you for something? Is it settled?"

"It's nothing. It is that time of the month for her and she came to ask if I have any sanitary pads. I don't have any. Do you have any?"

"Oh, I think I have one."

Generally, girls would keep sanitary pads in their bags, just in case. As Xu Xiyan asked this question, Yang Wenxue just happened to have one.

She turned around for her bag and looked inside for it. After finding it, she gave it to Xu Xiyan. Xu Xiyan went out for a moment and then came back. The problem was settled.