Stirring Up Trouble

Xu Xiyan frowned as she found Li Zhonghao's action to be inappropriate.

Xu Xiyan did accept his apologies by having her room upgraded, but Li Zhonghao did not stop there and continued to give her benefits that Shen Mengyuan also had.

His intention was so clear that Shen Mengyuan would not notice.

After the waiter served them their food, he left.

Huang Guoqiang thanked Li Zhonghao before he turned to Xu Xiyan and gave her a doubtful look.

It was as if he was trying to ask Xu Xiyan what would happen if Huo Yunshen found out that Li Zhonghao was making a move on her.

Xu Xiyan could only shrug and give him an innocent look.

On the other hand, Shen Mengyuan could not believe what Li Zhonghao had just done.

"Zhonghao, why are you giving them free food?" Shen Mengyuan asked.

"They are our guests, I'll have to show them my best hospitality, shouldn't I?" Li Zhonghao replied while he kept peeking at Xu Xiyan.