She Was Not Hallucinating

She saw chaos before her eyes. Both sides of the corridor were filled with people with light injuries as medical staff attended to them.

Xu Xiyan looked at them one by one, but she did not find Huo Yunshen.

After inquiring, only then did she learn that those who were severely injured were in the emergency hall.

The more she moved forward, the more chilled her heart felt.

Xu Xiyan's eyes were full of tears. She wiped them away but they kept streaming out; there was no end to it.

She could not imagine… what was the scene like when the plane exploded?

She could not even imagine what her most beloved man had become after being blown up.

Along the way, she inquired for directions before finally arriving at the emergency hall. The people here were seriously injured and were wrapped in bandages. Their injuries were much heavier than those outside.