
Xu Xiyan stopped by the bed and grabbed her grandfather's thin hand.

"Yanyan…" the old man murmured. He had his consciousness back and could recognize his granddaughter.

"I'm here."

"I don't think I have any more time…"

"No! You still have time! You are going to live to be 100 years old! I still haven't had the chance to pay you back for everything you've done for me!"

"I'm happy to know that I have such a good granddaughter like you. I'm anxious about you, you know… When I leave this world, please don't go back to the Xu family anymore. Go find your real father…"

The old man stopped talking, and his hands dropped as he left the world forever.

He had known that Xu Xiyan was not his real granddaughter from the beginning, but he still chose to love her.

"Grandpa…" Xu Xiyan cried, leaning on her grandfather's body.