The Biggest Insult

Mo Yutian noticed that the ways Xu Xiyan treated him and Huo Yunshen were completely different. One was coldness, and the other was warmth.

Just as Xu Xiyan was talking with Huo Yunshen, Su Jimo went over to greet them.

The coldness that Su Jimo had disappeared almost instantly when he talked with Huo Yunshen, as if they were brothers.

The reporters all struggled to get a picture of them shaking hands, as the sight of two world-renowned Movie Kings talking to each other was rare.

Huo Yunshen had his arm over his wife and let the reporters take pictures of them with Su Jimo.

The action that Huo Yunshen took was to pull the attention away from Mo Yutian.

The biggest insult that Huo Yunshen could give his opponents was to be able to ignore them even when they were there.

Since Mo Yutian wasn't in the entertainment business, he found it hard to have a conversation with other people.