Like A Wolf

After sending Han Xinyun and her assistant home, the celebrity van turned around and headed back to Shengshi Yujing.

Xu Xiyan returned home and saw that her husband and daughter had yet to sleep. They were absorbed in finishing a jigsaw puzzle together.

"I'm home, dear!"

Xu Xiyan changed her shoes and entered, hanging her coat on the coat rack by the door.

Hearing his wife's voice, Huo Yunshen turned around to glance quickly at the door, then looked back to his daughter and said, "Your mommy is back. Let's continue tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Ying Bao put down the jigsaw puzzle pieces, then immediately jumped up from the carpet and ran over to greet her mother. "Mommyyy!"

"Baby!" Xu Xiyan squatted down and gave a big hug to her daughter, then both mother and daughter exchanged kisses on each other's faces.