His Little Wife Wanted “That”

Xu Xiyan lifted her wine glass, giving him a toast, "Thank you for everything you've prepared for me, dear. It must be hard work."

Huo Yunshen clinked his glass with hers, then took out a long, small black box from under the table and handed it to her. "Happy birthday, dear."

"What's this?"

"Open it and take a look."

Curious, Xu Xiyan opened the box. It contained a particularly delicate and beautiful necklace.

She noticed that the pendant of the necklace was a cute little cherry, and there were two small clouds on each side of the cherry.

"Wooow, what a cute necklace! You bought it?"

"I didn't buy it. I've made it myself. This cherry here represents our daughter, and these two clouds represent me. So this necklace represents that our daughter and I will always be protecting you."

"Thank you, dear, I love it!"