A Stabilizer

The blood reserve in the bank was not enough after several transfusions, and the nurse asked, "Does anyone here have A-type blood? It's urgent!"

"I'm A-type!" Yi Xiao said as he raised his hand.

Yi Xiao went with the nurse for an examination, and he got his blood drawn twice.

"The most we can draw from you is 400 cc," the nurse said when Yi Xiao wanted them to take more.

"Don't worry! I can handle it. Please take more if it's needed!" Yi Xiao insisted.

"You really love your wife very much, huh?" the nurse said, touched by Yi Xiao's feelings towards Fang Xiaocheng.

Another 200 cc was drawn from Yi Xiao until the nurse stopped him.

"That's the limit. If we take more than this, your body will collapse."

"Please, please save her," Yi Xiao begged as the nurse was about to leave with the blood.

"We will do our best."

Fang Xiaocheng finally survived the worst and was sent back to her room.