Take Him Down Ruthlessly

In the beginning, she had taken photos of them so she could threaten him. But now, those photos had become his means of controlling her.

Shen Mengyuan fought down her disgust and anger, then said, "Fine. Wait for me, I'll come over right now."

She complied with him, but she felt a growing urge to deal with Yannan—she had to find a way to get rid of him.

In addition to winning the investor over to her side, she had to find another favorable backer—best to get one who could help her win the Golden Goose Newcomer Award.

Anyway, Shen Mengyuan had learned the reality of things. In the entertainment circle, the strong bully the weak; those with power will always have the influence.

In this industry, taking the honest route for your career would ultimately lead you to your doom.