
The two people hugged each other tightly in the picture, and it was clear that they were French kissing.

Pictures of Xu Xiyan and Mo Yutian having an intimate relationship were like slaps in Huo Yunshen's face.

No matter how good of a person Huo Yunshen was, there was no way he could tolerate his wife having an affair with another man, and Mo Yutian at that.

"No! Please! Let me explain," Xu Xiyan said. "It's not like that! I never betrayed you!"

It was as if her head was about to explode. She finally realized what her mother had felt when she was caught in bed with another man by Xu Jinshan the day before the award.

No amount of explanation could clear her name.

The worst had befallen Xu Xiyan. Even though the pictures weren't made public, Huo Yunshen had learned about them.

Perhaps because Huo Yunshen was triggered by the pictures, he could not think logically anymore. He pushed Xu Xiyan onto the wall and pressed his hand on her chest.