
The playboy vibe that Ma Haodong used to rock with was nowhere to be found. With the beard that he had grown, he looked more mature and attractive.

Ma Haodong and Xu Xiyan walked past the reporters with the help of their bodyguards and left the signatures on the signature wall.

Following behind them was Shen Mengyuan and her male counterpart in Golden Lion, Shao Chi.

Shen Mengyuan waved to the crowd as she walked up to the signature wall, standing next to Jing Xi.

Shen Mengyuan couldn't help but smile wryly at how ruthless Jing Xi could be.

No matter how Shen Mengyuan tried to spread the scandals, all of them were blocked by the media.

But Shen Mengyuan was not about to give up just yet, as she has set her sights on the Newcomer Award.

Almost all of the well-known celebrities gathered at the Cultural Arena.

Singers such as Mu Chenguang and Tang Shixue were present at the awards as well.