She Had Created A Miracle

When asked why she had chosen to take the path of an actor, tears flowed from Jing Xi's eyes before she could speak.

The host handed a paper napkin to her. Xu Xiyan wiped her tears with it, then said these touching words:

"The main reason I've chosen the entertainment industry was because of my mother."

"Thirty years ago, she was also nominated for the Golden Goose Best Actress Award, but a scandal about her broke out the night before the awards ceremony. In the end, she was not destined to receive the award, as she died in grief."

"Today, I'm wearing the dress my mother had wanted to wear for the awards ceremony more than ten years ago. I stand here now to represent her and to complete her legacy."

"I've worked hard as an actor so I can stand here today to ask for justice for my mother: my mother's death in the past was not suicideâ€"she was murdered."