
Huo Yunshen finally confirmed that the girl lying in the room was not Jing Xi and was a clone instead.

Even though he was furious, he knew that the first thing he had to do was to locate his wife.

He went back to the room, and the girl was already awake.

"Hubby, when can I leave the hospital?" Alice asked.

"Any time you want," Huo Yunshen said, walking towards her without averting his stare from her.

He closed in on her and strangled her when she was not paying attention.

"What… what are you doing?"

Alice was caught off guard, as she felt as if her neck was being tightened by a pair of pliers.

"Who are you?" Huo Yunshen scolded. "Who sent you? Where's Jing Xi?"

"I.. I'm… Jing Xi…"

"Do you think you can still fool me?" Huo Yunshen said while taking a report from behind his back. "This is a report saying that you were never pregnant with a child. I'm giving you one more chance… where is Jing Xi?"