
"Yanyan, what should I do?" Fang Xiaocheng asked. "I think his mum is serious, she even asked us to bring the kid back home and have a wedding there. What is happening right now?"

Even though Fang Xiaocheng was nervous, Xu Xiyan thought that they were making good progress.

If Fang Xiaocheng were to really be one with Yi Xiao, not only would Xu Xiyan have to stop worrying about her friend, but Wang Dazhi would even be able to rest in peace.

Yi Xiao was a gentleman, and he was the nicest towards Fang Xiaocheng and her baby,

"Why don't you just go with the flow?" Xu Xiyan suggested. "You can have someone to take care of you, and in return, you can help shut Yi Xiao's relatives up from asking when he wants to get married."

"But… Yi Xiao… I don't know…"

Fang Xiaocheng believed that a great person like Yi Xiao should find a better woman to live the rest of his life with and not someone like her who already has a child.