He’s Turning Insane

Xu Jinshan was sitting on his bed, scratching his legs.

The door was suddenly flung open and in came a group of men in black suits which made Xu Jinshan jump.

He was wary of the people who suddenly visited because he had no idea what they wanted with him.

Until a man in a pair of leather shoes and a bespoke suit walked in.

The man had a mysterious and powerful look in his eyes as if he was above everyone else.

The moment Xu Jinshan saw the man he knew that he was a danger.

The man signaled for all of his guards to wait outside except for Le Xiu.

"Xu Jinshan!" the man shouted as if he was from hell.

As soon as Xu Jinshan heard his name, he thought the devil had come for him. He began to wonder if the man was his former boss, Mo Xie.

Xu Jinshan had only seen the back of Mo Xie and never saw his face, that was why he mistook the man in front of him as his former boss.

He thought that his former boss had come to save him.