Her Wish Came True

Huo Yunshen was so happy that he hugged his wife tightly as tears filled his eyes.

"Didn't you say you don't want any kids any time soon?" Xu Xiyan asked with a smile.

"Of course I want another one! But I was worried that you'd have to suffer from it. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"That's why I want one," Xu Xiyan smiled. "The thing I wanted to do the most is to welcome the baby with you and let the baby grow up with the father right next to him."

Huo Yunshen was not a selfish person; if his wife did not want a kid, he would never force her.

Even if they only had Ying Bao, that would be enough for him.

In truth, Huo Yunshen would also be happy if Xu Xiyan was the only person by his side.

"I'll be a good father, I promise," Huo Yunshen said. "But the report mentioned something called weak positive… what does it mean?"