Carried Away By Joy

"Miss Ni, come with us. Mr. Xue wants a word with you."

They were obviously sent by Xue Zhengrong, father of Xue Yating. And it must be about Xue Yating's whereabouts.

Ni Xuelin had just come home from hiding for a while. She thought the hounding should be over. Yet they were still here.

"I seriously have no idea where she is!"

"Whether you know or not, you have to come with us and tell Mr. Xue yourself. Take her and let's go!"

They came for her no matter what. Qi Fang tried to protect Ni Xuelin instinctively. He kicked off the guards and took her to run.

The two of them kept running while the guards kept chasing. After a long while with a lot of turning, they eventually got rid of them.

They hid in a narrow lane and finally felt safe. The lane was no more than a meter wide. They stood face to face clinging onto each other.