Shot Him In The Heart

Therefore she wiped away her tears and told her son, "Well. Mom will pack our things and take you back to Peijing for uncle's wedding."

"Really? Great! Yeah! We are going home!"

Lu Qiancheng sprang with joy.

Huo Yijing went to her room to pack. Soon she came out with a huge suitcase.

She took her son to set off. But upon opening the door she saw a man standing outside.

Huo Yijing lost one breath when seeing it was Jing Zhannan. How could he find me here?

Lu Qiancheng found Jing Zhannan as a pleasant surprise, "Uncle, how come you are here?"

"Uncle came to bring Chengcheng home!" Jing Zhannan said with a smile when he bent down and patted on Lu Qiancheng's head.

"Great! Mom and I are already packed. We are ready."

Lu Qiancheng could not wait to go home.

Jing Zhannan glanced at Huo Yijing and took over her suitcase without asking. Then he lifted Lu Qiancheng and said, "Let's go, Chengcheng."

"Let's go! Let's Go!"