A Touching Kiss

"Come to my place tomorrow," Helian Qingyu said. "I'll prepare a feast for both of you."

"Thank you. I'll contact you later," Huo Yunshen said and was about to leave.

He was really grateful to both Helian Wei and Helian Qinyu. There was no way he could have gotten Xu Xiyan back without their help, and a huge thanks was needed.

"General, do you still remember our promise?" Lan Ling'er stopped Helian Qingyu who was about to leave.

Helian Qingyu did remember that he had promised to bring her to his parents if the rescue was successful.

It was all an act to get Lan Ling'er to help them. In truth, Helian Qingyu had no feelings towards her.

But they still needed to go back to Lstan to rescue Jing Ruyue, and they needed Lan Ling'er's help for that.

"Of course!" Helian Qingyu said. "Have a little patience, I'll talk to my parents, and we'll choose a suitable date."

"Why not tomorrow? You're having a party there, right? Let me join you."