Nothing Strange

As for when he could claim their relationship, he did not dare to tell the truth abruptly to disrupt his daughter's life.

He was more worried that it would bring her into trouble. He did not want her to be called illegitimate. It would harm her fame instead of his.

If she was harmed because of him, what could he tell his Xiao Yueliang?

Helian Wei was about to ask Huo Yunshen about their further plans in Lstan, but found it inappropriate with Lan Ling-Er's presence.

When the banquet was about to start, a woman's voice was heard from outside.

"Are our distinguished guests here?"

Following the voice, people saw the elegant Yun Xuerou proceeding gracefully inside.

"Mother!" Helian Qingyu stood up and made a seat for his mother.

Yun Xuerou came to sit down by Helian Wei. She looked around at everyone and was surprised by the sight of Huo Yunshen. "Isn't this Mr. Huo?"

"Yes. Mrs. President," Huo Yunshen answered.