So Worried For Him

Gu Yici got hold of Huo Yunshen in time. Helian Qingyu cursed, "Quack," and had to help him remove and hold Huo Yunshen's hand.

When losing control, Huo Yunshen was extremely powerful and troublesome.

The two men worked together to get him checked. Gu Yici gave him a tranquilizer in order to calm him down.

When it took effect, they got Huo Yunshen back on the bed.

Inside the bedroom, Gu Yici gave Huo Yunshen another thorough check. Xu Xiyan was so worried and kept asking, "Dr. Gu, what's wrong with my husband?"

"It's mania."

Gu Yici stood up, took off his stethoscope and answered seriously.

Xu Xiyan became stern upon hearing the word mania. She knew he was suffering from some psychological problem, but still found it hard to believe. "How could he get mania?"

"When a patient suffers from a lot of traumas, it can easily lead to mania. Now I'm asking you, for how long has he been like this? Did he suffer from any shock lately?"