
Li Ruochu believed that Bai Yanchuan must be the one spreading the rumors, telling the world that she was his girlfriend.

Li Ruochu did not wish for such scandals and misunderstandings.

"You sure are imaginative," Li Ruochu replied. "Bai Yanchuan has nothing to do with my and Qingyu's relationship, and even if he did, who are you to scold me? Even if I really had a child, what could you do?"

Lan Ling'er realized that talking with Li Ruochu was not an option anymore.

"Bitch! You really are a bitch!" Lan Ling'er mocked and raised her hand to slap Li Ruochu.

But just before her hand could land on Li Ruochu's face, someone grabbed it from behind.

Lan Ling'er turned and noticed Jun Yan was stopping her.

Lan Ling'er knew that the Jun Yan she was seeing was Xu Xiyan in disguise and warned, "What are you doing here? Mind your own business!"