What A Pity

"It's way too early for this. Don't worry. I'm focusing on my career now. Getting married is not on my agenda for the time being."

Xiao Yuqian told about her plan.

Xu Xiyan mocked, "Qianqian, I think you'd better behave yourself. Dong is a rarely found good man with a blind crush on you. You should treasure him. Don't play heartbroken if he is taken by someone else in the future."


Xiao Yuqian laughed over it. She was not ignoring him. But the situation was pretty complicated now. And it was not going well between her and Ma Haodong.

Well, we'll see.

Xiao Yuqian learned that they were moving to Estan and asked, "Are you sure you are leaving Peijing?"

"Yes, for Yunshen, I have to leave Peijing even though I am not willing to."

Xiao Yuqian sighed but showed her support. "Well, Huo could suffer less if you leave Peijing."